Dr. Ahmad was a renowned and sought-after physician in his country. People had to wait for many days before they could get an appointment with him.


The eminent doctor was once invited to an international medical conference which was to be held in a major city in his country. He had to deliver a paper and receive a shield and a commendation certificate in recognition of his services to medicine. As he headed out to the airport, he felt pleased that he was going to be honored by his peers and colleagues that evening.


After the usual check-in at the airport, he boarded the plane, which took off as scheduled. After about 45 minutes, an airhostess made the following announcement: “Dear passengers, due to a technical problem we are being forced to land at a nearby airport instead of the scheduled destination. We deeply regret the inconvenience.”


“Delegations from around the world have come to attend this event, and now you’re telling us that the alternative plane will arrive after 16 hours!”


The plane landed at the airport without any difficulty and the passengers disembarked and went to the lounge. After some time, the airport authorities announced that it was not possible to fix the problem immediately and that the passengers would have to wait for the arrival of an alternative plane. No-one knew when the other plane would arrive. A little while later it was announced that the other plane would only arrive the following day.


Dr. Ahmad was quite shocked at the announcement. This was an important night which he had been looking forward to for several weeks. He got up from his seat, went to a senior airport official, introduced himself and said: “I’m a doctor and I was on my way to present a paper tonight. Delegations from around the world have come to attend this event, and now you’re telling us that the alternative plane will arrive after 16 hours!”


The officer replied, “With all due respect doctor, we can fully appreciate the inconvenience  that you’re experiencing, but I cannot do anything. Moreover, it’s not my responsibility to arrange for an alternative plane. It takes only three to four hours by road to reach the city where you have to attend the conference. If you are in a great hurry, I suggest you get a rental car from the airport and drive to your destination.”


Dr. Ahmad did not like driving long distances, but he had no other option. He hired a car and started towards his destination. He had not gone far when all of a sudden the weather turned bad. Dense, dark clouds covered the sky and there was a heavy downpour, coupled with a violent storm. Dr. Ahmad then lost his way in the dark. Hungry and tired, he desperately searched for some shelter and something to eat.


As he was dri
ving past a small village, he impulsively stopped his vehicle in front of one of the houses and knocked on the door. He heard the frail and feeble voice of an old woman from inside saying: “Whoever you are, please come in, the door is open.” When Dr. Ahmad went into the house, he found an elderly woman sitting on a rocking chair. The doctor said: “The battery of my mobile has run down. May I use your mobile phone?” The old woman smiled and said, “My son, what are you talking about? Perhaps you don’t know where you are. We don’t have electricity or phones here. You are in a small village where there are no civic amenities. You look hungry and thirsty, and it seems you have lost your way. There is a meal and tea on the table, please eat something before we talk.”  Dr. Ahmad thanked the elderly woman and being tired and famished after his eventful journey, started eating.


Suddenly someone stirred on the cot beside the old woman’s chair, and he heard a baby crying. The old woman patted the baby to sleep and supplicated tenderly and humbly for its wellbeing. Dr. Ahmad finished his meal and said to the woman, “O mother, your good manners, kindness and hospitality have won my heart. I’m sure Allah Almighty will answer all your prayers.”


“My son,” the old woman said, “Allah has always answered and granted my prayers. Only one prayer remains unanswered because of my weak faith. You are a traveler, please pray that it may also be answered.”


Dr. Ahmad was curious and said, “What prayer has not been answered? Please let me know what you want; I’m just like your son. God willing, I will do my best to carry out your wish.”


The woman said, “My dear son! This supplication is not for my sake, it is for this orphan baby, my grandson. His parents have passed away and he is suffering from a bone disease that has incapacitated him. He cannot move or walk. I’ve tried various treatments and taken him to eminent doctors but to no avail. All the doctors have been unable to find a cure for him. People have advised me to take the baby to a certain Dr. Ahmad who is reputed to have the expertise to treat such cases. He is a renowned surgeon and can successfully operate on the child, but he lives far from here. It’s not easy to reach him. As you can see, I’m an old woman with one foot in the grave. I’m extremely worried about who will take care of him after I die. This is why I’ve been praying to Allah Almighty; so that He may create an opportunity for me to take the baby to Dr. Ahmad so that he can be treated and cured.”


Dr. Ahmad’s eyes filled with tears and with a quiver in his voice, said: “O mother! My plane developed a technical fault, and I was forced to give up my journey due to a violent storm and torrential rain. Allah Almighty brought me to your house. Your last prayer has also been answered. Allah, the Lord of Honor, has created this situation. If Allah wills it, I will treat your grandson.”

“Is not He (better than your gods) Who responds to the distressed one, when he calls on Him, and Who removes the evil, and makes you inheritors of the earth, generation after generation? Is there any ilah (god) with Allah? Little is that you remember!”­


“O mother, your good manners, kindness and hospitality have won my heart. I’m sure Allah Almighty will answer all your prayers. ”


Dear readers, I’ve taken this incident from Mawsoo’at-ul-Qisas and thought deeply about which city this incident took place. To my mind, Dr. Ahmad left Riyadh for Abha and after the plane developed a fault, perhaps it landed at Taif airport. Allah (SWT) knows best.